Jeremy Claus has been digging through his shed to find some brilliant and some less brilliant prizes to give away to you very lucky people. The grand prize is a Jeep Wrangler made famous in the Colombia special of The Grand Tour – namely when Richard Hammond crashed into it. (Naturally.) The jury's out on whether it works, but it's a piece of TV history.
Entering is easy. For everything you buy from us from 25 November to 24 December – whether it's a case of beer, some Hawkstone merch like a hoodie, or a Christmas bundle – you'll get an entry into the draw. We'll pick one winner every day from 1–25 December.
Prizes up for grabs:
1. The grand prize: one Jeep Wrangler from The Grand Tour Columbia Special.
2. 25 bundles of two tickets to The World According To Kaleb: Kaleb Goes On Tour.
3. Twelve random prizes of some... Well... Some less sexy but undeniably iconic items from The Farm, including a rubber glove, an egg, a welly boot, some straw from Diddly Squat, and a random key to something.
Right, now that we've done the exciting stuff, here are the boring legal bits:
Each order counts as one entry
Winners are chosen at random
We’ll contact you by email if you’re a lucky winner
Full terms and conditions are available here.
Christmas Shop